
Rental Car Liability

By Patrick George

When you rent a car, there is understandably a certain expectation that the vehicle will be provided in good mechanical repair, and with safe tires which are relatively new and have good tread. Idaho roadways are packed with leased vehicles from numerous rental car companies with very recognizable names due to our picturesque scenery and vacation places. While rental car vehicles are typically washed and vacuumed, and even delivered with a fresh new scent or pine smell, they are not always delivered with the same high quality tires, engine repair, and other vehicle needs that we have come to expect.

More than one case has been brought against a rental car company in connection with accidents that were allegedly caused by low tire tread resulting in a hydroplaning event or a lack of traction on slick or snowy roads. Imagine the surprise and dismay experienced by those who were injured, or their family members, when it was learned that the tire tread on the rental vehicles had been worn down below the level recommended in the safety manuals generated by the very rental car companies that had leased the vehicles. Consider the last time you actually checked the tread on a rental car. And yet, so often it would not be something that you wouldn’t trust on your own vehicle.

Tire maintenance issues, including tire tread depth, penetrating objects in tires, improperly repaired holes, or low air pressure are safety issues that are supposed to be dealt with by the car rental company, not by you on the road. It is the responsibility of the rental company to follow the recommended vehicle maintenance schedules. A breakdown in following the recommended vehicle maintenance schedules may be thought to be a violation of consumer expectations but also a violation of negligence law. When renting a car be careful. Ask whether the maintenance schedule has been followed. Be safe out there.

This website includes general information about legal issues and developments in the law. Such materials are for informational purposes only and may not reflect the most current legal developments. These informational materials are not intended, and must not be taken, as legal advice on any particular set of facts or circumstances. You need to contact a lawyer for advice on specific legal issues.


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