
Uninsured Drivers In Idaho

By Fred Lewis and George Casper

Car accidents in Idaho that result in personal injury can be upsetting to all. You accumulate medical bills that need to be paid, you lose wages due to time away from work, and you can suffer from pain that may never go away for the rest of your life. If you are not at fault in the car accident, you have the ability to use the other motorist’s insurance to help pay for all these expenses. There is only one problem. The motorist you hit is one of the roughly 14% of the driving population that doesn’t have automobile insurance. What do you do if this happens?

The best way to protect yourself from being hung out to dry after being in a car accident with uninsured drivers is to have a solid insurance plan in place before the accident even occurs. Review your insurance plan. Most general insurance plans have a specified coverage limit for accidents caused by uninsured drivers. Make sure your uninsured limits are high as you can afford in order to cover all the effects associated with the accident. A limit in the $250,000 may not be enough. This will be some of the least expensive insurance you can buy.

This is not an area to do it yourself. You will need an experienced Idaho personal injury attorney to guide you through the necessary legal channels to get you the compensation you deserve for your accident. We at Racine have been representing individuals in regard to there uninsured and underinsured vehicle claims for over 70 years. Put our team of experienced Idaho personal injury lawyers to work for you today. We will answer all your initial questions for free. Give us a try. It will cost you nothing for your initial conference.


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201 East Center Street
Pocatello, Idaho 83201

Phone: (208) 232-6101

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