
Seat Belt Laws In Idaho

By Pat George

As everyone in Idaho knows, a person must wear a seat belt whenever a vehicle is in motion because they will protect you if you are involved in any car accident. However, the Idaho Legislature just made this law even more important. Recently, the Idaho Legislature enacted a statute that could have a large impact on a person who has not used a seat belt and is injured in a car accident. If the failure to wear the seat belt caused the injuries to be more severe than they would have been had the injured person been wearing a seat belt, that evidence can be admitted. This would reduce the injured person’s recovery. The moral of this story is that seat belt is more important than ever.

Call Racine Olson

If you have further questions about this new Idaho law, give us a call. When seriously injured in a car accident, it can be devastating to you, your friends and family, and your finances. If seriously injured, you will certainly miss work and you will accumulate medical bills. You need a passionate and experienced Idaho personal injury attorney to help you navigate through the process. If you have been injured through the fault of another for any reason, call our office today at (208) 232-6101. We answer all your questions for free.


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Racine Olson
201 East Center Street
Pocatello, Idaho 83201

Phone: (208) 232-6101

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