
Motorists Can Access 511 for Traveler Information During Winter Driving Conditions

When driving in winter road conditions, 511 is a public service of the Idaho Transportation Department (ITD) which was designated in July 2000 by the Federal Trade Commission (FCC) to provide travelers with information about road conditions and weather via phone, the Web or by smartphone.

ITD field crews provide information to update the system.  Additional information is received from the National Weather Service, Ada County Highway District, citizen reports and the Road Weather Information System.  511 is treated as a local call and most cell phones will connect; however, there may be places where reception is poor which prevents or hinders access.

Police and ITD encourage motorists to use caution and increase travel time to reach your destinations.  ISP reports that many weather-related accidents occurred within the past two weeks.  ISP troopers handled various crashes, slide offs and assisted many motorists who became stranded due to harsh weather.  Weather conditions can change rapidly so always be prepared prior to your commute or trip.  Have a passenger call 511 or pull off to a safe spot and place the call yourself.

Proper preparation including a 511 call can help you stay safe on the road; however, you have no control over the actions of others.  If you or a loved one has been injured as a result of another driver’s negligence, please call the personal injury team at Racine Olson for a consultation at 208-232-6101.  Our personal injury team is committed to representing you to achieve the best possible outcome.


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