
Accidents and Icy Roads

By Patrick N. George

Once again temperatures have dropped below the freezing point this here in Idaho. This means that drivers and pedestrians must again be aware of the possibility of black ice on roads, bridges, and melting snow along the sides of roads.

Drivers are often not cautious enough about slick roads and can quickly lose control of their automobiles. The reality is, even experienced drivers and automobiles with good tires can be at risk of having an accident if they encounter black ice or other slick conditions on roadways. Oftentimes people drive carefully when snow is falling, but do not exercise the same caution when a road could be icy.

In Idaho there are many accidents that are caused by icy road and winter weather conditions. Indeed, just four days ago in the Idaho panhandle, a driver encountered ice on the road, lost control of her vehicle and left the roadway. From there her vehicle went into oncoming traffic. There she struck another vehicle. Unfortunately, the accident was severe and she was declared dead at the scene. The lesson to be learned here is that even if you are driving carefully, the people around you may make a mistake and cause a severe accident.

So what are some of the things you can do to arrive at your destination safely on icy roads. First, leave early and drive a little slower. Second, leave more space between you and the car ahead of you than you normally would. Be cautious when entering places that might have ice such as bridges or shadows where the sun can’t reach. Don’t slam on your brakes when on ice as this will only make the situation worse. Finally, although they will not guarantee your safety, having appropriate winter tires will help you keep your vehicle under control.

If you are a driver, passenger or pedestrian who has been injured in an accident because of icy road conditions, it is important to speak with an experienced personal injury lawyer.


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