
Top Three Ways to Kill the Value of Your Worker’s Compensation Case! (part 3)

The third is being rude or demanding. Many people don’t think about this, but your attitude can change everything. A work injury will turn your world upside down. You are going to be upset. You are going to be angry at times during the process. However, if you go into a deposition with the insurance’s attorney and get upset, rude and irritable with them, they may be less likely to settle with you. These are the people who are going to give you money, so be nice to them. You can be firm about your injury but don’t lash out at them. Be as pleasant as possible. Dress professional and be polite. This goes with our medical providers as well. If you are good patient and they like you, they may be willing to help you. This saves money on expensive experts and will further increase the value of your case.


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