
Top Three Ways to Kill the Value of Your Worker’s Compensation Case! (part 2)

The second is stating you are better before you actually are. Times can be hard. Financial peace is a factor on everyone’s mind. If you are injured at work, you often want to get back as soon as possible. You know that the longer you stay off work, the higher your chances are of being fired. You have a family to provide for and feed and you need an income. After a few weeks of recovery, the insurance company may bring in something to sign asking if you need more medical attention or if you are fully recovered. Don’t ever say you are fully recovered. You let trained medical professionals make those decisions. You don’t know if in a few months you will need surgery or further treatment, and if you signed a document or state that you are fully recovered, you can be sure it will be used against you come settlement time. Be careful. Just allow your body to tell when you can return to work and just see how it goes. After the worker’s compensation insurance company pays benefits you will have time to see how you do. Be patient.


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