
Retraining Brings Hope to Idaho Injured Workers

By Fred J. Lewis

Serious on-the-job accidents often result in permanent injuries that will end your current job. Many employers will not accommodate the new restrictions that you will be given and you will be left in a position such that you will have to reinvent yourself. There is good news. There are several programs available to injured workers in Idaho where you can essentially fashion your own full ride scholarship after you were injured on the job in Idaho:

    1. The Idaho Department of Vocational Rehabilitation (IDVR) provides benefits.
    2. The Idaho Worker’s Compensation Laws provide for 104 weeks of retraining benefits.
    3. The Federal Government provides Pell Grants.

First, after you are injured you need to contact the IDVR and see if you qualify for their help and assistance. If you do qualify, the IDVR has monies available to pay for your books ,tuitions, fees, and other related expenses for your retraining program.

Second, the Idaho Worker’s Compensation law provides that the worker’s compensation insurance company pay you retraining benefits in the form of cash each month so that you can cover your ordinary living expenses. Depending on how much you made at the time-of-injury employer, you can be paid up to $2500 per month in retraining benefits under this program. This provides almost 6 semesters of living expenses while you reinvent yourself.

Third, the Federal Government also provides Pell Grants depending on your personal situation. There are also tax credit s offered by the Federal Government that will assist you in your retraining program.

An experienced Idaho Worker’s Compensation lawyer can help guide you through this process while you reinvent yourself. Please call me today at 208-232-6101 and I can answer all of your Idaho Worker’s Compensation questions for free, including questions about retraining benefits. Call me and I will go to work for you today.

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